Agree to all of the terms in these regulations.

Please read these terms carefully before accessing and utilizing the service on website (from now on referred to as freeC). By accessing and using the service on the freeC website, Employers have read and agreed to the terms in the regulations.

Adjusting the terms in the rules and regulations.

freeC reserves the right to change or revise these Terms to suit the actual conditions without prior notice. freeC will provide information on significant changes by placing notices on our website or sending emails to the Employers' email addresses.

freeC reserves the right to add, modify or remove any information and alter the interface, representation, components or functions, or content of any section of freeC website without prior notice.

freeC reserves the right to modify regulation terms without prior notice. By continuing on using freeC website after alterations, Employers have read and agreed to the updated terms in the regulations.

This content is built to clarify and guide employers on the requirements and notice when using freeC website.

Please reach out to freeC support at if Employers have any questions about these regulations.


Employer's profile

Any Employer Account creating Job Posts on freeC website ( has to provide explicit information about company's name, address, introduction, contact information. After filling in all requested fields with the clear information, Employer can proceed to create Job Post on freeC website (

One (01) company, business, or recruiting entity decides to post on the freeC website, it signifies their full agreement and commitment to adhere to the terms and regulations set forth by freeC.

The terms regarding age for account registration

The freeC website does not allow individuals under the age of 18 to register as members. For more information, please contact via email at

The account information is approved according to the following standards:

Each company/business/branch of a company/recruiting entity is entitled to create one main Employer account on the freeC website (COMPANY ACCOUNT), another Employer accounts within the same company/business/branch of a company/recruiting entity exist as member Employer accounts (MEMBER ACCOUNTS) added by the COMPANY ACCOUNT.

Each Employer account must provide the following information accurately and completely:

  • Company Name:

    • Character count (including spaces) between 5 to 30 characters.

    • Clearly indicate the company name/brand and branch (if multiple branches exist).

  • Tax code:

  • Email address:

  • Company address:

  • Industry:

  • Logo (optional)

Edit or delete The account information

The freeC website provides a feature to directly edit account information on the Employer account page. Employers can request to close or delete their account by contacting the Administration team via email at The content or data provided by the Employer on the freeC website, such as posted job listings, company information, personal information, etc., may continue to appear on the freeC website or other search pages (if applicable) even after the account and information have been deleted.

In case an Employer discovers incorrect job postings or account information on the freeC website, that does not correspond to their company's information, the Employer is kindly requested to contact freeC for information verification through the email In other cases, if freeC identifies inaccurate information associated with an Employer account, freeC will temporarily freeze the account to carry out the necessary verification procedures. freeC will collaborate in checking the information and resolve the situation promptly to avoid any undesired impact on the company (if applicable).


Regulations on Job Posting Titles:

Compliant Job Title

  • Character Limit: 5 - 50 characters (including spaces)

  • Accurate Spelling

  • Proper Capitalization: Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word

  • Only one title (for one position) is shown in the job title

Example of a Correct Job Title: Sales Executive, Content Marketing Specialist (JLPT N2)

Non-compliant JobTitle

  • Job Title showing Employer's name and Location

  • Job title contains special characters

  • Job title uses attention-grabbing words like "HOT" and "URGENT"

  • Job title includes an attached link

  • Job title is abbreviated and its meaning is unclear

Example of an Incorrect Job Title: Digital Marketing HCM, [Urgent] Sales Executive

Regulations on Job Posting Content

The job posting content must be relevant to the recruiting industry. Customers are obligated to provide complete information in the required fields according to freeC's guidelines: Job Title, Location, Industry, Job Type, Job Description, Benefits, Skills and Salary. No information should be omitted.

The job posting content can be written in either Vietnamese with accents or English, with correct spelling, and should include all necessary recruitment-related details for the position being hired.

The salary should only be displayed in the "Salary" field and should not be included in any other fields. The job posting content should not display contact information such as contact email, employer's phone number, website link, or company projects.

Employers have the right to delete or modify their posted job. To change the job title of a job posting, please contact the website administrator of freeC for assistance.

Job posts on the freeC website must contain information that is appropriate for candidates. On the freeC website, freeC does not support the approval of job postings for general labor, positions that do not require a degree, or positions that are unsuitable for candidates.

The content of job postings must align with the job title and relevant information provided.

Job postings should not display special characters (e.g., $$$, @@@...) or use enticing and sensational language that may provoke curiosity. They should not include any content that goes against cultural norms or violates the laws of Vietnam.

Employers should not exploit job postings to include additional information for the purpose of SEO, PR, or advertising other products.

The employer is committed to providing accurate job information to establish trust and facilitate easy applications for candidates.

The employer's account is solely responsible for the content of the job postings and not be used to post jobs for other companies/enterprises/recruiting entities that are not part of the same corporation/group of companies.

Measures to handle prohibited recruitment information on the freeC website:

In order to prevent the occurrence of fraudulent activities such as deceitful intermediary centers and postings with the intention of personal gains, which are in violation of legal regulations and can negatively impact the employer branding and and the reputation of the freeC website, if freeC detects any user accounts registered for such purposes, we will take the following actions without prior notice: permanently block the postings, deactivate the user accounts, publicly disclose the information, and notify the candidates without prior notification.

freeC website has the right to delete all job postings that violate the regulations stated in Article 3 and permanently suspend the accounts of Employers who violate the rules without prior notice.


Approval time

Before job postings are displayed on the website, they will go through a content review process by the Administration Board.

Job postings will be reviewed within 1 working day from the completion of the job posting on the freeC website. If this time frame is exceeded, please contact us for assistance.

Once approved, the job posting will be displayed on the freeC website. In case of "Rejected" job postings, the employer's account will receive an email notification along with the reason for rejection.

Reasons for job postings being rejected

Job postings are duplicated on the same company account

Job postings do not provide a a complete job description, job requirements, or necessary information related to the advertised position (e.g., job responsibilities will be discussed during the interview)

Job postings have expired application deadline

Vietnamese job postings without diacritical marks or incorrect spelling, or with special characters that lack meaning or are incomplete

Job postings that have titles or content that do not comply with the regulations specified in Articles 2 and 3

Creating multiple accounts and using them for purposes not intended for job postings according to freeC's terms of use

Job postings with signs of fraud:

  • Job postings offer high salaries for simple job requirements.

  • Job postings require candidates to Like and share the post for the purpose of gaining likes.

  • Job postings require candidates to pay a fee when applying

Best regards


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