Viewing Applicant list

There are 2 option for you to view the applicant list

Option 1: View applicant by a job

Go to your Employer Account at

  1. Click Job Posts

  2. Go to the job that you want to view applicants

    • Total: Total applications applied for the position

    • New: New applications awaiting review

    • Interview: Number of candidates who have entered the interview process

    • Hired: Number of candidates who have been successfully recruited

    • Rejected: Number of candidates who are not suitable for the position

Option 2: View all applicants

The applicants tab will summarize all candidate's profiles that applied to your jobs on

Firstly, go to your Employer Account at

  1. Click Applicants

  2. All applicants' profiles will be shown here. Find the applicant you want to screen, click on applicant name to open to view detail

    You can find the desired applicant by name, email, phone number, job post, or applicant's status.

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